
Upon completion of this module topic, you should:

  1. Be able to identify different types of cells grown in culture and provide examples of specific stable cell lines commonly used in culture.
  2. Be able to explain the cell culture work environment and identify the significance of specific cell culture equipment (laminar flow hoods, CO2 incubators, Microscopes, Preservation equipment, storage vessels).
  3. Be able to explain how and where cells are appropriately preserved and stored.
  4. Recognize important safety considerations when conducting cell culture experiments and be sure to observe all safety precautions.
  5. Describe aseptic techniques for working with mammalian cell cultures and the materials needed to practice and ensure aseptic technique.

Dr. Rachel Boulay Assistant Professor & Director of Education
John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawai’i at Manoa
651 Ilalo Street | Biosciences Building 311f | Honolulu, HI 96813
rachel.boulay@gmail.com | Ph: (808) 692-0986 | Fax:(808) 692-1973