Upon completion of this module topic, you should:
- Understand the mechanism of cell transfection and be able to identify the different approaches and mechanisms for cell transfection (focus on the two most common transfection approaches, electroporation and lipofection).
- Be able to use the lipofection transfection technique to transfect mammalian cells.
Part a
Lipofectamine & Electroporation
This is Part A, Lipofectamine & Electroporation, under the module topic, Cell Culture Techniques. This topic part has one section: Content Tutorial.
Content Tutorial
1. Cell Transfection Powerpoint Presentation – Reference, John Hopkins University Access the Cell Transfection powerpoint presentation by clicking on the link below. The presentation outlines the history of cell transfection, different approaches and mechanisms for cell transfection and analyzing expression resulting from cell transfection.
- Johns Hopkins University (inbt.jhu.edu, PowerPoint Document)
2. Cell Transfection Introduction – Reference, MIT Opencourseware The following link provides an overview of two common transfection approaches- electroporation and lipofection in addition to information about transient transfection and stable transfection of mammalian cells.
- MIT Open Courseware (ocw.mit.edu, PDF Document)
3. Transfection Reference Guide – Reference, Promega The following link will provide you with an in-depth pdf guide for transfection that has been compiled by Promega. There are 6 chapters in the guide, the first 5 chapters apply specifically to this section, IV.c – Transfection methods. Chapter 6 will be applicable to the next section, IV.d – Expression Analysis, in which this guide will be referenced again.
Outline – Promega Transfection Guide: Chapter 1: An Introduction to Transfection Methods Chapter 2: Preparation for Transfection Chapter 3: Cationic Lipid Transfection Reagents Chapter 4: Profection Mammalian Transfection Systems Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Transfection Reactions
- Promega Transfection Guide (www.promega.com, PDF Document)