The module contains five topics (see Module 2 Menu on right side of page). Each topic focuses on a specific application and begins with an overview video and a set of objectives. Under each topic you will  find the following:

  • Content Tutorials: important background information, detailed text and illustrations that describe and depict the molecular biology significance, practical uses, and procedures.
  • Animations: video and audio enhanced simulations.
  • Activities: virtual labs, case studies and problem-sets from professional institutions and organizations.

Within a topic, use the right-sidebar menu to navigate to the parts.

Dr. Rachel Boulay Assistant Professor & Director of Education
John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawai’i at Manoa
651 Ilalo Street | Biosciences Building 311f | Honolulu, HI 96813 | Ph: (808) 692-0986 | Fax:(808) 692-1973